SEPL’s Antiracism Statement

In an ongoing effort to combat racism and improve diversity in our field, SEPL has crafted a new antiracism statement. You can find this permanently stated in the sidebar of our home page, as well:

As a lab, SEPL is committed to the cause of anti-racism and promoting equity in our everyday lives and in our field of research. We commit to actively combatting systemic racism through the following activities. As individuals, we will educate ourselves about the history of racism in our society, and we will work to elevate the voices of BIPOC scientists in our field. As a lab, we will work to create more inclusive outreach activities by engaging partners from underrepresented groups. As members of the Schools of Biological Sciences and Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, QBios Program, and College of Sciences, we will strive to make research opportunities more open and available to disadvantaged and underrepresented groups. This includes expanding and supporting REU programs, abolishing GRE requirements, providing more career-building resources and programming, and making coursework more accessible. Each semester, we will revisit this plan and make concrete goals for the months to come.

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